Handmade Christmas

I'll have to admit, I have pretty much decided not to make handmade gifts for Christmas over the last couple of years. But.....I seem to end up with making a couple of gifts, and really enjoy the process since I am not over-extended. We have 365(!) days in a year and in the past I was working like the devil during the month of December trying to get things done. My most favorite blogger, Yarn Harlot , has been posting this month about her holiday knitting schedule....whew! Glad that's not me! But I did make a tablerunner and set of coasters (no photo!) for my hair stylist, and an Amy Butler bag for my daughter's law school roomate: I will be making more of these bags, this one went together so well. I used simple canvas for the underlining support, which made for a soft yet substantial bag and handle. This pattern comes with directions for two sizes: handbag and tote. I made the tote and the size is perfect for me, tho I plan to make the handbag size for ...