McCall's 5330
Thought I'd whip up a little something for myself, so I put together McCall's 5330 this week:
I made View C, but eliminated the lacy scallop trim at the hem. I prefer to wear skirts that are lined, and this pattern did not provide that option. With only four pattern pieces, it wasn't hard to go ahead and line it anyway. Not sure where the fabric came from that I used for the body of the has been aging in my stash THAT long! I believe the lining fabric came from the donation table at one of the quilt guilds I belong to. I usually wouldn't use such a light-colored fabric to line a dark skirt, but I wanted to enter this in the PatternReview Stash 2009 contest. I plan to wear this with black turtleneck, black tights and black boots! 

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