Just a Quilt?

The members of the Metro Detroit Quilt Guild have a wonderful and ongoing community service project which they call the Storybook Quilt Collection. Children's books that have quilts somewhere in the storyline are chosen, and then individual quilt guild members make up small quilts that relate to the books. The collection is then made available on loan to libraries, teachers, and other civic groups to display and share with adults and kids alike. The collection is made up of several mini-collections, and the guild is always on the look-out for new books and quilts to make. I picked up the Just a Quilt? book at the guild's Nov. meeting, and put together this simple but bright quilt to add to the collection:

Size: 27" X 37"
String-pieced on muslin squares(6" finished) with strips from my scrap pile, polyester batting, and machine quilted on my Bernina 1260.


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