Quilting for Halloween

I've had the quilting bug this week, and managed to work on a couple of projects that have been living in my UFO pile for awhile. In 2008(!), my quilt guild did a swap of 9 1/2 inch blocks with a Halloween theme (my contribution was the Frankenstein block in the second row). This week I thought I'd take them out and put them together into a wall hanging with a simple sashed layout: So cute, yes? And I have the perfect spot to hang it. I'll quilt it with a large meander, I think, and call it DONE! Next up was a table runner, with half-square triangle blocks placed in the popular chevron layout: This package of 5 inch charm squares was purchased about 3 years ago, I think, and so I'm glad to get them out of the cupboard and into a project. Some simple quilting is in order to finish it up. Looks like I'll be spending some time binding over the next week! ...