Kyoto Rings wallhanging

I pieced this wallhanging last year but was stumped on how to machine-quilt it. So, it lingered in the closet waiting for inspiration. Feeling a need to actually *finish* something for a change, I pulled this out and gave it another look. I wanted to highlight the rings somehow with the quilting, and just went ahead a made the decision to use a 'waves' pattern for the rings and a loopy pattern everywhere else. The fabrics for this wallhanging came from my stash, except for the green dotty fabric which I received in a 'ugly fabric' exchange.....and I don't think it's ugly at all! This quilt hangs in the waiting room of my husband's dental office, and it's bright colors really cheer things up during this long, gray, Michigan winter!


  1. Patty:
    I really like that quilt! You are right, it is just the thing to ward away the winter grey in MI (I'm a SE MI gal, myself). I could use one of those here in Syracuse, NY.


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