American Stitches Sewing Expo, Novi, MI

Here I am at the Sewing Expo on Friday with my buddies Barb and Sharon, I'm the one in the black tee.....and we are pictured with Chloe Dao, winner of Season 2 of Project Runway! Chloe spoke on her experiences with Project Runway, her history in sewing and design, and what she is doing now. She is charming, and her story is one of hard work and patience. She is still sewing in her mother's dining room(!), while forging ahead in the fashion design world. And here we are having lunch.......I love a tail-gate! Also, the fourth sewing buddy to join us was Margaret, and here she is joining us for lunch. It was a lovely day spent with dear friends, and now I am inspired to find more time in my week to SEW! I managed to score some fabric for a coat, exactly what I was looking for. The one on the left is actually more blue than green, I plan to use Simplicity 4403: and the lovely wide-wale corduroy on the right is more orange than brown, and I hope to make one of the shorter jackets w...