What the.....?

Memorial Day almost always finds us doing yard work, and setting up out outdoor living spaces: wicker furniture on the front porch, patio furniture on the back patio and around the pool. Well, imagine my surprise when I took these cushion covers out of the washer to hang on the line: thank goodness the zippers were sewn in with stronger thread, because those were the only seams that didn't need re-sewing! Just the kind of sewing project I like.....NOT! Altho easy enough with my serger. I am still working on my daughter's trench coat, but since DD the eldest was home for a week (and available for fitting) I made a quick little summer dress for her using Butterick 2179, view B w/out the jewels: She picked a pretty blue for the round collar, and a blue/white print for the dress. I'll post a picture as soon as she sends me one since I was hand-sewing the facing as she was leaving out the door :-)!