I want Diane Lockhart's wardrobe!

If you have had an occasion to catch an episode of The Good Wife on CBS, then you have seen the to-die-for wardrobe of my favorite character: Diane Lockhart played by the wonderful actress Christine Baranski. Each week when I get a chance to sit down and catch up with the show, I ooh and aah over Diane's clothes. This week I decided to grab some screen shots for my own inspiration, and thought: why not share them here? Below you see Diane in a simple checked pencil skirt. What caught my eye at first was the unexpected belt at her waist...and then, that blouse! The fabric looks luscious, and the collar has a very feminine feel with a nod to the masculine shirt and tie: .. Both Vogue and HotPatterns have an option that would be perfect to interpret this lovely blouse: Vogue 8772 HotPatterns Classix Nouveau What's New, Pussycat? Fast-forward to the next scene, and we get a chance to see the complete outfit. The skirt has a matching full-...