Sewing for Grandkids: Fall/early Winter 2020

Fall and early Winter 2020 found me spending many hours sewing for my grandchildren, which is so fun! I've been purchasing the Ottobre pattern magazine for children, as I really like the design esthetic....a little different from clothes that can be purchased here in the United States. First up was a T-shirt and pair of shorts for my grandson, using fabric from JoAnn Fabrics & Hobby Lobby, as well as from my stash. I color-blocked the back yoke for some design interest. There was enough left for a T-shirt for his sister to match: The kiddos wore their shirts to the Zoo, perfect for viewing the Dinosaur exhibit! This little denim jumper from Ottobre was a good match to pair to with the dinosaur shirt: I used the same pattern to make another denim jumper for another of m...