Kwik Sew 3240

I signed up to participate in the Summer of No Pants Challenge to make a skirt or dress a week for 4 weeks. Once in a while I find these challenges fun and motivating, and I thought my schedule for the month of June would accommodate some sewing! Well, that was before it rained the whole month of May here in Michigan which has resulted in a LOT of yard work to catch up on! I think I can still meet the Challenge, and below you will see the skirt I sewed up for Week One, Kwik Sew 3240 : I've had this embroidered cotton in my stash for quite some time, and while I was searching last week for something else I got reacquainted with this fabric. I thought that it would make a cute BoHo-type skirt for the summer, and I knew I wouldn't need any extra "fluff" thru the hip area, so I chose the Kwik Sew pattern. I rarely tuck my tops in, so the elastic waistband worked out great too. I also lined this skirt with Bemberg, since the cotton was a little sheer. (If I look closely...